Ep. 39: Farewell My Concubine w/ Dr. Stanley Rosen 1/4 [English]

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❣️❣️❣️ 影片《霸王別姬》改編自🇭🇰香港女作家李碧華的同名小說。這部由陳凱歌導演,蘆葦編劇,張國榮🇭🇰、鞏俐、張豐毅、葛優等人領銜主演的電影,堪稱集齊大陸、香港、臺灣兩岸三地之財力、物力及人力合作創制而成的經典之作。作爲華語影壇藝術成就最高且享有世界盛譽的旗幟級影片,《霸王別姬》自1993年問世以來,贏得了億萬影迷青睞,打破了中國內地文藝片在美國的票房紀錄,並爲陳凱歌一舉拿下1993年度法國康城影展的最高榮譽金棕櫚大獎、美國金球獎最佳外語片、國際影評人聯盟大獎等多項國際榮譽,2005年《霸王別姬》入選美國《時代週刊》評選的「全球史上百部最佳電影」,畫下了陳凱歌導演藝術生涯最爲濃墨重彩的一筆。

🌕🌕🌕 當這部電影於1993年進入美國影院時,Miramax 的哈維·韋恩斯坦 (Harvey Weinstein) 從電影中删了14分鐘。現在,Film Movement Classics將以全長171分鐘的完整版重新回到影院。該發行商將於9月22日在紐約市的Film Forum推出北美影院的最新修復4K版本。洛杉磯的觀衆可以在9月29日在Nuart觀看這個版本。

為了隆重其事,我們製作了四集podcast, 邀請了四名學者,從各自的領域探討《霸王別姬》這部華語電影的重要性。四集節目中,兩集以英語進行,另兩集會以廣東話錄音。


❣️❣️❣️ The film "Farewell My Concubine" is adapted from the novel of the same name by 🇭🇰Hong Kong writer Lilian Lee. Directed by Chen Kaige, written by Lu Wei, and starring Leslie Cheung🇭🇰, Gong Li, Zhang Fengyi, Ge You, and others, this movie can be considered a classic collaboration that brought together financial, material, and human resources from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. As a flagship film with the highest artistic achievements in the Chinese-language film industry and enjoying worldwide acclaim, "Farewell My Concubine" has been beloved by millions of fans since its release in 1993. It broke the box office records for mainland Chinese art films in the United States. It won numerous international honors for Chen Kaige, including the Palme d'Or at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival, the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and awards from the International Federation of Film Critics. In 2005, "Farewell My Concubine" was selected as one of the "100 All-Time Best Films" by Time magazine, marking a brilliant chapter in Chen Kaige's directorial career.

🌕🌕🌕 When the film reached US theaters in 1993, Miramax's Harvey Weinstein cut 14 minutes from the movie. Film Movement is now being returned to theaters in its full 171-minute glory, courtesy of Film Movement Classics. The distributor will release a newly restored 4K version in North American theaters beginning September 22 at the Film Forum in New York City.  

Audiences in Los Angeles can see this version on the big screen on September 29 at the Nuart Theatre.  

To make it grand, we produced a four-episode podcast, inviting four scholars to discuss the significance of this Chinese-language film, "Farewell My Concubine," from their respective fields. Two of the four episodes will be conducted in English, and the other two will be recorded in Cantonese.

In this first episode, Dr. Stanley Rosen, a Political Science professor from USC, will discuss what Harvey Weinstein cut in the film when it first reached the US theaters in 1993 and the political significance of 1993 when it was released in mainland China. 


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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