Ep. 26: Hong Kong Film History Pt. 2 w/ Po Fung (蒲鋒)[Cantonese]

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Following the end of World War Two, Hong Kong was liberated from the Japanese occupation while China was embroiled in the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang (KMT) government and forces of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Despite being unscathed by the regime changes, the shift in the Chinese political landscape had a determining but indirect influence on Hong Kong’s film industry. During the Civil War, many Shanghai filmmakers sought refuge in Hong Kong because they were considered traitors to the regime. The well-capitalized company, Wing-Wah, also established its foundation in Hong Kong due to its relative political stability. During the Cold War, KMT and CCP tried to expand their reach to Hong Kong. The conflict between the two camps consolidated the leftist-rightist dichotomy as the basic structure of the Hong Kong film industry. 

Movies Mentioned in this episode: 

  1. Orphan Island Paradise 孤島天堂 (1939) 
  2. Twin Sisters of the South 南國姊妹花 (1939)
  3. The Rich House 蓬門碧玉 (1942) 
  4. Bitter Phoenix, Sorrowful Oriole 苦鳳鶯憐 (1947)
  5. The White Gold Dragon, Part Two (aka The Platinum Dragon, Part Two) 續白金龍 (1937)
  6. Tradition 傳統 (1955)
  7. Wintry Journey 冬去春來 (1950)
  8. Dawn must come 珠江淚 (1950)
  9. Fishermen’s Song of the South Sea 南海漁歌 (1950)
  10. Sorrows of the Forbidden City 清宮秘史(1948)
  11. The 72 Martyrs of Canton 碧血黃花 (1954)
  12. General Chai and Lady Balsam 小鳳仙 (1953)
  13. The Dawn of China’s Revolution 秋瑾 (1953)
  14. To My Wife 百年情書 (2011)
  15. To My Wife 與妻書 (2012)
  16. Festival Moon 中秋月 (1953) 
  17. The Peerless Beauty 絕代佳人 (1953)
  18. Three Charming Smiles 三笑 (1964)
  19. The Wedding Night 新婚第一夜 (1956)
  20. The Eternal Love 同命鴛鴦 (1960)
  21. Laugh, Clown, Laugh 笑笑笑 (1960)

Follow the hosts:
Kay Ho's Instagram: kayho1430
Po Fung's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flash1030/

This episode is part of the "Preserve Yesterday - Back to Lee Theatre VR" project, which collaborated with the Hong Kong XR Museum. For more info, visit here: https://www.hongkongxrmuseum.org/lee-theatre-ticket.


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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